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Showing posts from December, 2015

Assign VLAN Tag for Nutanix Hardware using HyperV

You can use the following commands to tag VLAN for IPMI Traffic from HyperV host on Nutanix platform. To set VLAN ID ipmiutil -e -I "IP Address"  -G "Gateway"  -S "SubnetMask"  -h "VLAN ID" To Remove VLAN ID ipmiutil -e  I "IP Address"  -G "Gateway"  -S "SubnetMask"   -h  4099 Note: Remove the quotes while entering command

Acropolis Hypervisor Configuration

The following commands help to configure Factory (Nutanix) loaded hypervisor called as Acropolis without reinstalling using Foundation process: To configure IP Address:  root@ahv# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0  ONBOOT="yes"  NM_CONTROLLED="no"  PERSISTENT_DHCLIENT = 1  NETMASK =" subnet_mask "  IPADDR =" host_ip_addr "  DEVICE="br0"  TYPE="ethernet"  GATEWAY =" gateway_ip_addr "  BOOTPROTO="none“  (set as “static”) DNS Entry:  root@ahv# vi /etc/resolv.conf To List Ethernet Interfaces:   manage_ovs show_interfaces  To verify the interfaces are assigned to br0:   manage_ovs --bridge_name br0 show_uplinks  To Add 1gb Interface into br0:   manage_ovs --bond_name bond1 --interfaces 1g update_uplinks  To Configure IP Address in CVM : ssh to CVM (ssh  nutanix@ ) and use sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, finally re...