Today, I came across some articles and found a useful about offering a desktop on cloud with 3GB storage at free of cost! cool..huh... The desktop can be accessible thru your browser over the internet. The service is powered by Xcerion's XIOS technology including its XML virtual machine. Xcerion's( ) XIOS/3 (Xcerion Internet Operating System)is a zero-footprint XML based OS. Since the OS and application runs in the browser, it also works in offline. There is no more update hazzle, they will update themself. You can upload your pictures/documents/movies/music thru a simple click "Upload Button" from your system. I felt that it took long time to see those files in the VM. Might be a bandwidth of my internet connection. Please visit and sign up for your cloud desktop Cloud is keep passing!!!
Disclaimer: The information/articles posted on this blog based on my own experience and views only.